Partnership links with St. Paul’s CE Primary School
St Paul’s CE Primary School has many varied links and partnerships with a range of personnel.
1. Parents
· Our communication systems are strong:
· We communicate official documentation through letters and parent mail and post important messages on the website too. There is a weekly newsletter that goes out with celebrations of school, local and family events and information about upcoming calendar details, attendance and holidays.
· Informal communication is provided through Class Dojo and more recently we have installed Study bugs to communicate details about children’s attendance with parents too.
2. Outside Agencies
· We have a psychotherapist in school one day per week from CAMHS working with individual children who have high levels of stress, anxiety and emotional concerns.
· Early Help also work with some of our families and will attend Team around the family (TAF) meetings in school with the class teacher and sendco to identify children’s areas of need and how the family can work with specific agencies to improve quality of life.
· Education Psychologists (EP) also work with the Sendco when identifying children’s areas of needs when a teacher has identified a cause for concern requiring assessment. The EP also provides up to date assessment for children with EHC Plans requiring annual reviews.
· The SEND Officer linked to our school supports identification of need, and works with the Sendco offering support and advice as required.
· The school also has a Mental Health and Wellbeing consultant who supports the school with any areas of need required for both children and staff. They are able to provide training on areas such as bereavement, relational approaches, trauma informed work and will also provide mental health first aid training too.
· SLT receive Supervision from an external provider enabling high levels of support is available for their mental wellbeing.
· Oldham Athletic Community Trust (OACT) provide one day PE support and additional sporting competitions including children playing football on the pitch at Boundary Park.
· Work with Learning By Questions (LBQ) ambassadors
· Where Social services are involved with families in school, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will work closely with any social worker. Currently we have nine families with this involvement. There is one DSL and three deputy DSL’s and one early years DSL.
· Where the police are called to a domestic violent situation at a child’s home, an Operation Encompass report is expected to be sent to the DSL providing information of their involvement.
· The PCSO’s are also available for monitoring traffic outside the school gates and will come into school to reinforce safety issues.
· The local Authority will also provide online safety advice/talks to children as required.
· The school works with the Local authority Designated Officers (LADO) in Oldham should there be any concerns re safeguarding and staff/parents.
3. Schools
· The school partners with the linking schools project. This year we are partnering Thorn ham St James. There will be three connections over the year with the year 3 class; each class visiting the other school for the day and a joint visit to Castles haw getting to know each other and form positive connections.
· The year 6 community group is run by St. Paul’s. Two children from year 6 represent their class and attend a zoom meeting once per half term alongside other year 6 representatives from other local primary schools. There are 10 schools involved this year from across Royton, Shaw and Crompton.
· St. Paul’s linked with Crompton Primary school with the whole school approach to trauma informed training.
· The staff historically have met with Holy Trinity Dobcross carrying out subject leader discussions and writing moderation discussions.
· As part of Crompton House Trust (CHT) subject leaders are working with each to develop partnerships ie in Science, EYFS, Writing, Maths, and Computing.
· Attendance across the Trust is being led by our deputy Head.
· The PE lead organises inter schools sporting events as part of the Hathershaw group.
· Crompton House School provide a Spanish teacher to teach Spanish to year 5 and year 6 each week.
· The Spanish Leader works with the languages co-ordinator for Oldham and Tameside.
· The Health and Safety representatives ( pupils) led by one of our LSA’s attend training sessions alongside other children
4. Leadership groups
· The head teacher chairs the North District Heads meetings and feeds back to the Executive Committee. She also sits on the Oldham Board of Education representing the district at the half termly meetings
· The Head teacher is a Director on the Diocesan Board of Education by the Bishop’s Appointment and has been re-elected for the next triennium. She is also on the committee for schools wishing to join a multi academy trust in the Diocese.
· The deputy Head leads the RE network across Oldham
· The deputy Head also co leads the Deputy Head teacher network in Oldham
· The Head teacher attends the Family hubs partnership hub and the Inclusion team meeting to discuss funding.
5. Church and Community
· The school has a strong link with St. Paul’s church in Royton
· The Curate comes into school every Tuesday to lead collective worship and support in class in the morning and leads the worship group at lunchtime.
· The Head teacher leads school services in the church across the year: Harvest, Christmas, St. Paul’s Day, Easter and the Leavers’ service.
· The Head teacher c0 leads the Christingle service held in church.
· The Head teacher is the adjudicator for the Oldham Choral Speaking Event which takes place in March over three days.
· The school have supported the local nursing community carrying out a project in the residential homes to improve communication by writing letters.
· The music groups take part in the Oldham Music Festival. IN 2024, the choir won the outstanding primary school choir trophy
· The choir also are invited to sing at the Royton Christmas lights switch on event.
· Historically, the choir have sung at the Leadership Conference, the Church Leadership conference in London, the Diocesan conference and in 2025 will be taking part leading the singing at the Year 6 leavers’ service in the Cathedral.
This information is not exhaustive and may be updated periodically
(October 2024)
Partnership links with St. Paul’s CE Primary School
St Paul’s CE Primary School has many varied links and partnerships with a range of personnel.
1. Parents
· Our communication systems are strong:
· We communicate official documentation through letters and parent mail and post important messages on the website too. There is a weekly newsletter that goes out with celebrations of school, local and family events and information about upcoming calendar details, attendance and holidays.
· Informal communication is provided through Class Dojo and more recently we have installed Study bugs to communicate details about children’s attendance with parents too.
2. Outside Agencies
· We have a psychotherapist in school one day per week from CAMHS working with individual children who have high levels of stress, anxiety and emotional concerns.
· Early Help also work with some of our families and will attend Team around the family (TAF) meetings in school with the class teacher and sendco to identify children’s areas of need and how the family can work with specific agencies to improve quality of life.
· Education Psychologists (EP) also work with the Sendco when identifying children’s areas of needs when a teacher has identified a cause for concern requiring assessment. The EP also provides up to date assessment for children with EHC Plans requiring annual reviews.
· The SEND Officer linked to our school supports identification of need, and works with the Sendco offering support and advice as required.
· The school also has a Mental Health and Wellbeing consultant who supports the school with any areas of need required for both children and staff. They are able to provide training on areas such as bereavement, relational approaches, trauma informed work and will also provide mental health first aid training too.
· SLT receive Supervision from an external provider enabling high levels of support is available for their mental wellbeing.
· Oldham Athletic Community Trust (OACT) provide one day PE support and additional sporting competitions including children playing football on the pitch at Boundary Park.
· Work with Learning By Questions (LBQ) ambassadors
· Where Social services are involved with families in school, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will work closely with any social worker. Currently we have nine families with this involvement. There is one DSL and three deputy DSL’s and one early years DSL.
· Where the police are called to a domestic violent situation at a child’s home, an Operation Encompass report is expected to be sent to the DSL providing information of their involvement.
· The PCSO’s are also available for monitoring traffic outside the school gates and will come into school to reinforce safety issues.
· The local Authority will also provide online safety advice/talks to children as required.
· The school works with the Local authority Designated Officers (LADO) in Oldham should there be any concerns re safeguarding and staff/parents.
3. Schools
· The school partners with the linking schools project. This year we are partnering Thorn ham St James. There will be three connections over the year with the year 3 class; each class visiting the other school for the day and a joint visit to Castles haw getting to know each other and form positive connections.
· The year 6 community group is run by St. Paul’s. Two children from year 6 represent their class and attend a zoom meeting once per half term alongside other year 6 representatives from other local primary schools. There are 10 schools involved this year from across Royton, Shaw and Crompton.
· St. Paul’s linked with Crompton Primary school with the whole school approach to trauma informed training.
· The staff historically have met with Holy Trinity Dobcross carrying out subject leader discussions and writing moderation discussions.
· As part of Crompton House Trust (CHT) subject leaders are working with each to develop partnerships ie in Science, EYFS, Writing, Maths, and Computing.
· Attendance across the Trust is being led by our deputy Head.
· The PE lead organises inter schools sporting events as part of the Hathershaw group.
· Crompton House School provide a Spanish teacher to teach Spanish to year 5 and year 6 each week.
· The Spanish Leader works with the languages co-ordinator for Oldham and Tameside.
· The Health and Safety representatives ( pupils) led by one of our LSA’s attend training sessions alongside other children
4. Leadership groups
· The head teacher chairs the North District Heads meetings and feeds back to the Executive Committee. She also sits on the Oldham Board of Education representing the district at the half termly meetings
· The Head teacher is a Director on the Diocesan Board of Education by the Bishop’s Appointment and has been re-elected for the next triennium. She is also on the committee for schools wishing to join a multi academy trust in the Diocese.
· The deputy Head leads the RE network across Oldham
· The deputy Head also co leads the Deputy Head teacher network in Oldham
· The Head teacher attends the Family hubs partnership hub and the Inclusion team meeting to discuss funding.
5. Church and Community
· The school has a strong link with St. Paul’s church in Royton
· The Curate comes into school every Tuesday to lead collective worship and support in class in the morning and leads the worship group at lunchtime.
· The Head teacher leads school services in the church across the year: Harvest, Christmas, St. Paul’s Day, Easter and the Leavers’ service.
· The Head teacher c0 leads the Christingle service held in church.
· The Head teacher is the adjudicator for the Oldham Choral Speaking Event which takes place in March over three days.
· The school have supported the local nursing community carrying out a project in the residential homes to improve communication by writing letters.
· The music groups take part in the Oldham Music Festival. IN 2024, the choir won the outstanding primary school choir trophy
· The choir also are invited to sing at the Royton Christmas lights switch on event.
· Historically, the choir have sung at the Leadership Conference, the Church Leadership conference in London, the Diocesan conference and in 2025 will be taking part leading the singing at the Year 6 leavers’ service in the Cathedral.
This information is not exhaustive and may be updated periodically
(October 2024)
Partnership links with St. Paul’s CE Primary School
St Paul’s CE Primary School has many varied links and partnerships with a range of personnel.
1. Parents
· Our communication systems are strong:
· We communicate official documentation through letters and parent mail and post important messages on the website too. There is a weekly newsletter that goes out with celebrations of school, local and family events and information about upcoming calendar details, attendance and holidays.
· Informal communication is provided through Class Dojo and more recently we have installed Study bugs to communicate details about children’s attendance with parents too.
2. Outside Agencies
· We have a psychotherapist in school one day per week from CAMHS working with individual children who have high levels of stress, anxiety and emotional concerns.
· Early Help also work with some of our families and will attend Team around the family (TAF) meetings in school with the class teacher and sendco to identify children’s areas of need and how the family can work with specific agencies to improve quality of life.
· Education Psychologists (EP) also work with the Sendco when identifying children’s areas of needs when a teacher has identified a cause for concern requiring assessment. The EP also provides up to date assessment for children with EHC Plans requiring annual reviews.
· The SEND Officer linked to our school supports identification of need, and works with the Sendco offering support and advice as required.
· The school also has a Mental Health and Wellbeing consultant who supports the school with any areas of need required for both children and staff. They are able to provide training on areas such as bereavement, relational approaches, trauma informed work and will also provide mental health first aid training too.
· SLT receive Supervision from an external provider enabling high levels of support is available for their mental wellbeing.
· Oldham Athletic Community Trust (OACT) provide one day PE support and additional sporting competitions including children playing football on the pitch at Boundary Park.
· Work with Learning By Questions (LBQ) ambassadors
· Where Social services are involved with families in school, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will work closely with any social worker. Currently we have nine families with this involvement. There is one DSL and three deputy DSL’s and one early years DSL.
· Where the police are called to a domestic violent situation at a child’s home, an Operation Encompass report is expected to be sent to the DSL providing information of their involvement.
· The PCSO’s are also available for monitoring traffic outside the school gates and will come into school to reinforce safety issues.
· The local Authority will also provide online safety advice/talks to children as required.
· The school works with the Local authority Designated Officers (LADO) in Oldham should there be any concerns re safeguarding and staff/parents.
3. Schools
· The school partners with the linking schools project. This year we are partnering Thorn ham St James. There will be three connections over the year with the year 3 class; each class visiting the other school for the day and a joint visit to Castles haw getting to know each other and form positive connections.
· The year 6 community group is run by St. Paul’s. Two children from year 6 represent their class and attend a zoom meeting once per half term alongside other year 6 representatives from other local primary schools. There are 10 schools involved this year from across Royton, Shaw and Crompton.
· St. Paul’s linked with Crompton Primary school with the whole school approach to trauma informed training.
· The staff historically have met with Holy Trinity Dobcross carrying out subject leader discussions and writing moderation discussions.
· As part of Crompton House Trust (CHT) subject leaders are working with each to develop partnerships ie in Science, EYFS, Writing, Maths, and Computing.
· Attendance across the Trust is being led by our deputy Head.
· The PE lead organises inter schools sporting events as part of the Hathershaw group.
· Crompton House School provide a Spanish teacher to teach Spanish to year 5 and year 6 each week.
· The Spanish Leader works with the languages co-ordinator for Oldham and Tameside.
· The Health and Safety representatives ( pupils) led by one of our LSA’s attend training sessions alongside other children
4. Leadership groups
· The head teacher chairs the North District Heads meetings and feeds back to the Executive Committee. She also sits on the Oldham Board of Education representing the district at the half termly meetings
· The Head teacher is a Director on the Diocesan Board of Education by the Bishop’s Appointment and has been re-elected for the next triennium. She is also on the committee for schools wishing to join a multi academy trust in the Diocese.
· The deputy Head leads the RE network across Oldham
· The deputy Head also co leads the Deputy Head teacher network in Oldham
· The Head teacher attends the Family hubs partnership hub and the Inclusion team meeting to discuss funding.
5. Church and Community
· The school has a strong link with St. Paul’s church in Royton
· The Curate comes into school every Tuesday to lead collective worship and support in class in the morning and leads the worship group at lunchtime.
· The Head teacher leads school services in the church across the year: Harvest, Christmas, St. Paul’s Day, Easter and the Leavers’ service.
· The Head teacher c0 leads the Christingle service held in church.
· The Head teacher is the adjudicator for the Oldham Choral Speaking Event which takes place in March over three days.
· The school have supported the local nursing community carrying out a project in the residential homes to improve communication by writing letters.
· The music groups take part in the Oldham Music Festival. IN 2024, the choir won the outstanding primary school choir trophy
· The choir also are invited to sing at the Royton Christmas lights switch on event.
· Historically, the choir have sung at the Leadership Conference, the Church Leadership conference in London, the Diocesan conference and in 2025 will be taking part leading the singing at the Year 6 leavers’ service in the Cathedral.
This information is not exhaustive and may be updated periodically
(October 2024)
Partnership links with St. Paul’s CE Primary School
St Paul’s CE Primary School has many varied links and partnerships with a range of personnel.
1. Parents
· Our communication systems are strong:
· We communicate official documentation through letters and parent mail and post important messages on the website too. There is a weekly newsletter that goes out with celebrations of school, local and family events and information about upcoming calendar details, attendance and holidays.
· Informal communication is provided through Class Dojo and more recently we have installed Study bugs to communicate details about children’s attendance with parents too.
2. Outside Agencies
· We have a psychotherapist in school one day per week from CAMHS working with individual children who have high levels of stress, anxiety and emotional concerns.
· Early Help also work with some of our families and will attend Team around the family (TAF) meetings in school with the class teacher and sendco to identify children’s areas of need and how the family can work with specific agencies to improve quality of life.
· Education Psychologists (EP) also work with the Sendco when identifying children’s areas of needs when a teacher has identified a cause for concern requiring assessment. The EP also provides up to date assessment for children with EHC Plans requiring annual reviews.
· The SEND Officer linked to our school supports identification of need, and works with the Sendco offering support and advice as required.
· The school also has a Mental Health and Wellbeing consultant who supports the school with any areas of need required for both children and staff. They are able to provide training on areas such as bereavement, relational approaches, trauma informed work and will also provide mental health first aid training too.
· SLT receive Supervision from an external provider enabling high levels of support is available for their mental wellbeing.
· Oldham Athletic Community Trust (OACT) provide one day PE support and additional sporting competitions including children playing football on the pitch at Boundary Park.
· Work with Learning By Questions (LBQ) ambassadors
· Where Social services are involved with families in school, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will work closely with any social worker. Currently we have nine families with this involvement. There is one DSL and three deputy DSL’s and one early years DSL.
· Where the police are called to a domestic violent situation at a child’s home, an Operation Encompass report is expected to be sent to the DSL providing information of their involvement.
· The PCSO’s are also available for monitoring traffic outside the school gates and will come into school to reinforce safety issues.
· The local Authority will also provide online safety advice/talks to children as required.
· The school works with the Local authority Designated Officers (LADO) in Oldham should there be any concerns re safeguarding and staff/parents.
3. Schools
· The school partners with the linking schools project. This year we are partnering Thorn ham St James. There will be three connections over the year with the year 3 class; each class visiting the other school for the day and a joint visit to Castles haw getting to know each other and form positive connections.
· The year 6 community group is run by St. Paul’s. Two children from year 6 represent their class and attend a zoom meeting once per half term alongside other year 6 representatives from other local primary schools. There are 10 schools involved this year from across Royton, Shaw and Crompton.
· St. Paul’s linked with Crompton Primary school with the whole school approach to trauma informed training.
· The staff historically have met with Holy Trinity Dobcross carrying out subject leader discussions and writing moderation discussions.
· As part of Crompton House Trust (CHT) subject leaders are working with each to develop partnerships ie in Science, EYFS, Writing, Maths, and Computing.
· Attendance across the Trust is being led by our deputy Head.
· The PE lead organises inter schools sporting events as part of the Hathershaw group.
· Crompton House School provide a Spanish teacher to teach Spanish to year 5 and year 6 each week.
· The Spanish Leader works with the languages co-ordinator for Oldham and Tameside.
· The Health and Safety representatives ( pupils) led by one of our LSA’s attend training sessions alongside other children
4. Leadership groups
· The head teacher chairs the North District Heads meetings and feeds back to the Executive Committee. She also sits on the Oldham Board of Education representing the district at the half termly meetings
· The Head teacher is a Director on the Diocesan Board of Education by the Bishop’s Appointment and has been re-elected for the next triennium. She is also on the committee for schools wishing to join a multi academy trust in the Diocese.
· The deputy Head leads the RE network across Oldham
· The deputy Head also co leads the Deputy Head teacher network in Oldham
· The Head teacher attends the Family hubs partnership hub and the Inclusion team meeting to discuss funding.
5. Church and Community
· The school has a strong link with St. Paul’s church in Royton
· The Curate comes into school every Tuesday to lead collective worship and support in class in the morning and leads the worship group at lunchtime.
· The Head teacher leads school services in the church across the year: Harvest, Christmas, St. Paul’s Day, Easter and the Leavers’ service.
· The Head teacher c0 leads the Christingle service held in church.
· The Head teacher is the adjudicator for the Oldham Choral Speaking Event which takes place in March over three days.
· The school have supported the local nursing community carrying out a project in the residential homes to improve communication by writing letters.
· The music groups take part in the Oldham Music Festival. IN 2024, the choir won the outstanding primary school choir trophy
· The choir also are invited to sing at the Royton Christmas lights switch on event.
· Historically, the choir have sung at the Leadership Conference, the Church Leadership conference in London, the Diocesan conference and in 2025 will be taking part leading the singing at the Year 6 leavers’ service in the Cathedral.
This information is not exhaustive and may be updated periodically
(October 2024)