Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019


Our school works closely with our local community.


At Christmas, the school choir go to the residential homes to bring musical joy to the residents.


Our school is asked each year to sing  christmas songs at the Royton Christmas Lights Switch on event held in the main town square. This is another of our highlights of the year.


We invite our neighbours to join us for our Remembrance Service in school. 

Last year we were joined by Walter Whittles and his wife Anne. He was a veteran in the war. He brought us union jack flags and wooden crosses which we have placed alongside our poppies that we made in  our poppy field at the front of school.


We also have a very active Year 6 Community Group who meet via Zoom once every half term with year 6's from 7 other local primary schools.

They look at ways in whcih they can help their  community. This year they have focused on keeping the environment  clean by  litter picking around their own schools.

They have also  been involved with the local growing hub in Royton, Shaw and Crompton who provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to come together face to face in an end of year celebration in July 2022 at Dunwood park where they used their DT skills to cut vegetables and cook on an open fire.



They provided hints and ideas of what could be grown in school to support the wider community.


This year, the children identified the difficulties schools face with parents parking dangerously on pavements, corners of roads and areas where they shouldn't park. The children organised a visit to speak to the Oldham mayor in her chambers and to disucss ways in which they could help  prevent this from happening.




Our children put on high viz jackets wth clipboards and monitored how our own parents parked. We are soon to be having special signs to remind parents to think before parking.



We ended the year 2023 with a special event at St. Paul's schoolhosted by our year 6's where  they made and prepared pizzas supported by our kitchen staff. The local councillors, school Governors and staff from the other schools joined us for this end of year celebration.




We  are excited to further this project in 2023.2024. with our new year 6 Community Ambassadors. 

If you are interested in supporting this project please contact Mrs Hilditch our year 6 teacher at school.


Thank you to Royton Hall, Blackshaw Lane, Firbank, Beal Vale, Thorp, Rushcroft and St. Aiden and  Oswalds who have joined us this year.



Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019


Our school works closely with our local community.


At Christmas, the school choir go to the residential homes to bring musical joy to the residents.


Our school is asked each year to sing  christmas songs at the Royton Christmas Lights Switch on event held in the main town square. This is another of our highlights of the year.


We invite our neighbours to join us for our Remembrance Service in school. 

Last year we were joined by Walter Whittles and his wife Anne. He was a veteran in the war. He brought us union jack flags and wooden crosses which we have placed alongside our poppies that we made in  our poppy field at the front of school.


We also have a very active Year 6 Community Group who meet via Zoom once every half term with year 6's from 7 other local primary schools.

They look at ways in whcih they can help their  community. This year they have focused on keeping the environment  clean by  litter picking around their own schools.

They have also  been involved with the local growing hub in Royton, Shaw and Crompton who provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to come together face to face in an end of year celebration in July 2022 at Dunwood park where they used their DT skills to cut vegetables and cook on an open fire.



They provided hints and ideas of what could be grown in school to support the wider community.


This year, the children identified the difficulties schools face with parents parking dangerously on pavements, corners of roads and areas where they shouldn't park. The children organised a visit to speak to the Oldham mayor in her chambers and to disucss ways in which they could help  prevent this from happening.




Our children put on high viz jackets wth clipboards and monitored how our own parents parked. We are soon to be having special signs to remind parents to think before parking.



We ended the year 2023 with a special event at St. Paul's schoolhosted by our year 6's where  they made and prepared pizzas supported by our kitchen staff. The local councillors, school Governors and staff from the other schools joined us for this end of year celebration.




We  are excited to further this project in 2023.2024. with our new year 6 Community Ambassadors. 

If you are interested in supporting this project please contact Mrs Hilditch our year 6 teacher at school.


Thank you to Royton Hall, Blackshaw Lane, Firbank, Beal Vale, Thorp, Rushcroft and St. Aiden and  Oswalds who have joined us this year.



Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019


Our school works closely with our local community.


At Christmas, the school choir go to the residential homes to bring musical joy to the residents.


Our school is asked each year to sing  christmas songs at the Royton Christmas Lights Switch on event held in the main town square. This is another of our highlights of the year.


We invite our neighbours to join us for our Remembrance Service in school. 

Last year we were joined by Walter Whittles and his wife Anne. He was a veteran in the war. He brought us union jack flags and wooden crosses which we have placed alongside our poppies that we made in  our poppy field at the front of school.


We also have a very active Year 6 Community Group who meet via Zoom once every half term with year 6's from 7 other local primary schools.

They look at ways in whcih they can help their  community. This year they have focused on keeping the environment  clean by  litter picking around their own schools.

They have also  been involved with the local growing hub in Royton, Shaw and Crompton who provided a wonderful opportunity for the children to come together face to face in an end of year celebration in July 2022 at Dunwood park where they used their DT skills to cut vegetables and cook on an open fire.



They provided hints and ideas of what could be grown in school to support the wider community.


This year, the children identified the difficulties schools face with parents parking dangerously on pavements, corners of roads and areas where they shouldn't park. The children organised a visit to speak to the Oldham mayor in her chambers and to disucss ways in which they could help  prevent this from happening.




Our children put on high viz jackets wth clipboards and monitored how our own parents parked. We are soon to be having special signs to remind parents to think before parking.



We ended the year 2023 with a special event at St. Paul's schoolhosted by our year 6's where  they made and prepared pizzas supported by our kitchen staff. The local councillors, school Governors and staff from the other schools joined us for this end of year celebration.




We  are excited to further this project in 2023.2024. with our new year 6 Community Ambassadors. 

If you are interested in supporting this project please contact Mrs Hilditch our year 6 teacher at school.


Thank you to Royton Hall, Blackshaw Lane, Firbank, Beal Vale, Thorp, Rushcroft and St. Aiden and  Oswalds who have joined us this year.