Our School Uniform
At St. Paul's, we recognise that the cost of living puts a great strain upon families to buy school uniform for their children. In conjunction with parents in 2021, we identified those items which were compulsory to be worn with the school logo and those items which can be purchased from local supermarkets. Clearly, there are options for parents to purchase any of our uniform from our local retailer, Monkhouse in Oldham. Purchases can be made online or in the store.
Details about the school uniform is included in the school prospectus which is updated annually and can be located in this 'Key Information' part of the website which can be located here.
Please note that the school is an inclusive school and does not stipulate what girls and boys should wear in conjunctions with human rights and the 9 protected characteristics. We are working with the uniform shop to remove the gender labelling.
St. Paul's School Uniform
We are proud of our school's identity and we hope to instil this pride in our pupils who belong to the St. Paul's school family. This fits in with the part of our motto which says we 'Shine and Make a Difference'.
Please see below for the uniform requirements for each Key stage.
Early Years- Nursery and Reception)
KS1 and KS2 (Years 1-6)
Optional Additional Item
A red fleece with the school logo - this should ONLY to be worn over the top of other uniform in colder climates. It is not to be worn instead of the sweatshirt or cardigan.
PE Kit
Hair, Jewellery and Make-up
Presentation of Uniform
Department for Education
The DfE Guidance on school uniform can be found here.
Our School Uniform
At St. Paul's, we recognise that the cost of living puts a great strain upon families to buy school uniform for their children. In conjunction with parents in 2021, we identified those items which were compulsory to be worn with the school logo and those items which can be purchased from local supermarkets. Clearly, there are options for parents to purchase any of our uniform from our local retailer, Monkhouse in Oldham. Purchases can be made online or in the store.
Details about the school uniform is included in the school prospectus which is updated annually and can be located in this 'Key Information' part of the website which can be located here.
Please note that the school is an inclusive school and does not stipulate what girls and boys should wear in conjunctions with human rights and the 9 protected characteristics. We are working with the uniform shop to remove the gender labelling.
St. Paul's School Uniform
We are proud of our school's identity and we hope to instil this pride in our pupils who belong to the St. Paul's school family. This fits in with the part of our motto which says we 'Shine and Make a Difference'.
Please see below for the uniform requirements for each Key stage.
Early Years- Nursery and Reception)
KS1 and KS2 (Years 1-6)
Optional Additional Item
A red fleece with the school logo - this should ONLY to be worn over the top of other uniform in colder climates. It is not to be worn instead of the sweatshirt or cardigan.
PE Kit
Hair, Jewellery and Make-up
Presentation of Uniform
Department for Education
The DfE Guidance on school uniform can be found here.
Our School Uniform
At St. Paul's, we recognise that the cost of living puts a great strain upon families to buy school uniform for their children. In conjunction with parents in 2021, we identified those items which were compulsory to be worn with the school logo and those items which can be purchased from local supermarkets. Clearly, there are options for parents to purchase any of our uniform from our local retailer, Monkhouse in Oldham. Purchases can be made online or in the store.
Details about the school uniform is included in the school prospectus which is updated annually and can be located in this 'Key Information' part of the website which can be located here.
Please note that the school is an inclusive school and does not stipulate what girls and boys should wear in conjunctions with human rights and the 9 protected characteristics. We are working with the uniform shop to remove the gender labelling.
St. Paul's School Uniform
We are proud of our school's identity and we hope to instil this pride in our pupils who belong to the St. Paul's school family. This fits in with the part of our motto which says we 'Shine and Make a Difference'.
Please see below for the uniform requirements for each Key stage.
Early Years- Nursery and Reception)
KS1 and KS2 (Years 1-6)
Optional Additional Item
A red fleece with the school logo - this should ONLY to be worn over the top of other uniform in colder climates. It is not to be worn instead of the sweatshirt or cardigan.
PE Kit
Hair, Jewellery and Make-up
Presentation of Uniform
Department for Education
The DfE Guidance on school uniform can be found here.