We were invited to take a major part in the Manchester Diocesan Conference October 2022
our Prayer group read the prayers during the eucharist service and our Choir sang songs of spiritualtiy during the Eucharist and led the singing alongisde Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and other religious clergy leaders from the whole of Greater Manchester - What an honour and a delight.
Our Choir of 70 members from year 3 to 6 sang and signed 'Peace Perfect Peace' They also sang ' The Lord is my Shepherd' with harmonies. 'Joy', one of I-Sing Pop's songs was enjoyed by all who attended the conference.
Bishop Mark came to help us celebrate after the Service with our Worship group
Even Deborah Smith, the Director of Education for Manchester Diocese helped our teaching staff to serve the food we were provided - always a Servant Leader!
The choir, Woship Group, staff and Bishop Mark all shared our lunch together.
The occasion was so joyful and the whole event filled us with awe and wonder to be given this special honour to represent all of the schools in Manchester.
Thank you Manchester Diocese.
Terry Hart, assistant Director of Education visited us to experience the depth of spirituality throughout our wonderful school and to share in the way in which the school shines with its vision, making a real difference to all of our community recognising everyone's individuality and inclusive nature to enable everyone to' Grow together as God's children.
Year 3 had written acrostic poems about their understanding of 'Emmanuel' which is shared by one of our very proud pupils from the class.
Thank you for visiting us.
Daniel Rambles, the Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale attended our Christmas Service at St. Paul's Church which represented the birth of Jesus through sonogs and drama.
Our year 2 children always take on the roles in the drama.
Bishop Mark came to join in our St. Paul's day in January 2023. We held a special Collective Worship in the school Hall as we were unable to be in church on this day.
Bishop Mark visited all of our classes and talked with all the children.
We celebratied the transformation of Saul to Paul in many creative ways. 'Change' was the main theme running throughout.
our favourit song is 'On the Road to Damascus'
Bishop Mark was invited to choose a coloured ribbon linked to our Vision. He chose 'friendship' and placed the yellow ribbon on the prayer tree.
Mary from Groundbreakers visits our school every half term to lead exciting collective worship in the form of active drama and symbollic representation. She also came to our Leavers' service in July 2023 to share her theological references to the main theme of the service which was about hope and aspiration.
We can't wait to see the inspirational collective worhsipin 2023.2024 where she fills us with awe and wonder with her spirituality.
Watch this space for her trialling the 'Diary of the Disciple' at St. Paul's too.
We were invited to take a major part in the Manchester Diocesan Conference October 2022
our Prayer group read the prayers during the eucharist service and our Choir sang songs of spiritualtiy during the Eucharist and led the singing alongisde Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and other religious clergy leaders from the whole of Greater Manchester - What an honour and a delight.
Our Choir of 70 members from year 3 to 6 sang and signed 'Peace Perfect Peace' They also sang ' The Lord is my Shepherd' with harmonies. 'Joy', one of I-Sing Pop's songs was enjoyed by all who attended the conference.
Bishop Mark came to help us celebrate after the Service with our Worship group
Even Deborah Smith, the Director of Education for Manchester Diocese helped our teaching staff to serve the food we were provided - always a Servant Leader!
The choir, Woship Group, staff and Bishop Mark all shared our lunch together.
The occasion was so joyful and the whole event filled us with awe and wonder to be given this special honour to represent all of the schools in Manchester.
Thank you Manchester Diocese.
Terry Hart, assistant Director of Education visited us to experience the depth of spirituality throughout our wonderful school and to share in the way in which the school shines with its vision, making a real difference to all of our community recognising everyone's individuality and inclusive nature to enable everyone to' Grow together as God's children.
Year 3 had written acrostic poems about their understanding of 'Emmanuel' which is shared by one of our very proud pupils from the class.
Thank you for visiting us.
Daniel Rambles, the Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale attended our Christmas Service at St. Paul's Church which represented the birth of Jesus through sonogs and drama.
Our year 2 children always take on the roles in the drama.
Bishop Mark came to join in our St. Paul's day in January 2023. We held a special Collective Worship in the school Hall as we were unable to be in church on this day.
Bishop Mark visited all of our classes and talked with all the children.
We celebratied the transformation of Saul to Paul in many creative ways. 'Change' was the main theme running throughout.
our favourit song is 'On the Road to Damascus'
Bishop Mark was invited to choose a coloured ribbon linked to our Vision. He chose 'friendship' and placed the yellow ribbon on the prayer tree.
Mary from Groundbreakers visits our school every half term to lead exciting collective worship in the form of active drama and symbollic representation. She also came to our Leavers' service in July 2023 to share her theological references to the main theme of the service which was about hope and aspiration.
We can't wait to see the inspirational collective worhsipin 2023.2024 where she fills us with awe and wonder with her spirituality.
Watch this space for her trialling the 'Diary of the Disciple' at St. Paul's too.
We were invited to take a major part in the Manchester Diocesan Conference October 2022
our Prayer group read the prayers during the eucharist service and our Choir sang songs of spiritualtiy during the Eucharist and led the singing alongisde Headteachers, Chairs of Governors and other religious clergy leaders from the whole of Greater Manchester - What an honour and a delight.
Our Choir of 70 members from year 3 to 6 sang and signed 'Peace Perfect Peace' They also sang ' The Lord is my Shepherd' with harmonies. 'Joy', one of I-Sing Pop's songs was enjoyed by all who attended the conference.
Bishop Mark came to help us celebrate after the Service with our Worship group
Even Deborah Smith, the Director of Education for Manchester Diocese helped our teaching staff to serve the food we were provided - always a Servant Leader!
The choir, Woship Group, staff and Bishop Mark all shared our lunch together.
The occasion was so joyful and the whole event filled us with awe and wonder to be given this special honour to represent all of the schools in Manchester.
Thank you Manchester Diocese.
Terry Hart, assistant Director of Education visited us to experience the depth of spirituality throughout our wonderful school and to share in the way in which the school shines with its vision, making a real difference to all of our community recognising everyone's individuality and inclusive nature to enable everyone to' Grow together as God's children.
Year 3 had written acrostic poems about their understanding of 'Emmanuel' which is shared by one of our very proud pupils from the class.
Thank you for visiting us.
Daniel Rambles, the Area Dean for Oldham and Rochdale attended our Christmas Service at St. Paul's Church which represented the birth of Jesus through sonogs and drama.
Our year 2 children always take on the roles in the drama.
Bishop Mark came to join in our St. Paul's day in January 2023. We held a special Collective Worship in the school Hall as we were unable to be in church on this day.
Bishop Mark visited all of our classes and talked with all the children.
We celebratied the transformation of Saul to Paul in many creative ways. 'Change' was the main theme running throughout.
our favourit song is 'On the Road to Damascus'
Bishop Mark was invited to choose a coloured ribbon linked to our Vision. He chose 'friendship' and placed the yellow ribbon on the prayer tree.
Mary from Groundbreakers visits our school every half term to lead exciting collective worship in the form of active drama and symbollic representation. She also came to our Leavers' service in July 2023 to share her theological references to the main theme of the service which was about hope and aspiration.
We can't wait to see the inspirational collective worhsipin 2023.2024 where she fills us with awe and wonder with her spirituality.
Watch this space for her trialling the 'Diary of the Disciple' at St. Paul's too.