Hindle Drive, Oldham, OL2 5LU
0161 624 9019

School Council 2022-2023

A school council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  A school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.


During our transition day in July 2022, two school council members were elected to represent each class and meet at least once per half term to discuss issues which directly impact the pupils and their time at school.


Issues currently being discussed by our school council are:

  • Proposing a bike rack to be purchased so that we can encourage pupils to ride to school and leave their bike and equipment secure throughout the school day. 
  • Understanding more about the school guinea pigs and how we can all share responsibility for them.  
  • Encouraging others to eat a healthy snack at breaktime by providing the option to purchase something from our Year 6 Healthy Snack stall.